Find Your Sexy-Strong 

Reclaim your confidence and optimize your health

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Hi, I'm Justyna

Since 2017, I’ve helped countless women reclaim their confidence and optimize their health.

And while I’m proud to be a leader in the health & wellness industry, today…I wasn’t always at the top of my fitness game. 

After a lifelong struggle with weight issues and self-worth, I knew there had to be a better way. Despite trying every diet trend imaginable, I found myself trapped in a cycle of shame and frustration. It wasn't until I became a mother and faced the exhaustion of everyday life, that I realized I needed a change.

Fitness became my refuge, and it sparked a TRANSFORMATION within me. 

That’s why I launched Justyna Kaleta Coaching! My goal is to inspire women to embrace their inner strength, cultivate healthy habits, and live life to the fullest. 

The Full Story

Fitness Over Forty

Don’t let age change you...change the way you age.

As women age, the pressure to avoid “letting yourself go,” is relentless. 

Crash diets become the norm. Shapewear feels like “a must.” And no matter what you do, it feels impossible to keep up with the “supermoms” who seem to have it all together, on social media.  

But where do you even start? – taking the first step toward a “healthier you” feels like an uphill battle. 

And when life is a whirlwind of deadlines, appointments, and responsibilities, finding time for yourself seems nearly impossible.

How can you prioritize your health, when you can barely muster the energy to get through the day?

The truth is, you’re not alone. And when you begin to harness your inner strength, your body follows suit.


Justyna Kaleta Coaching is dedicated to helping women 40+ who are struggling with negative body image, lack of motivation, and persistent exhaustion establish LASTING HEALTHY HABITS, so they can create a vibrant and fulfilling life.

Through personalized accountability, no-nonsense coaching, and an emphasis on making fitness FUN, I empower my clients to reclaim their confidence, rediscover joy in their bodies, and live life to the fullest.





In my signature 16-week online program, you'll receive curated workouts designed to push your limits, along with expert mindset coaching to unlock your full potential, and a personalized nutrition plan tailored to fuel your body for peak performance in every aspect of your life.


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1:1 Personal Training

With personalized attention and tailored workout routines, my 1:1 personal training sessions will help you maximize your potential, overcome obstacles, and achieve remarkable results in less time, so you can feel stronger, healthier, and more empowered every day.


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Group Fitness

Join my energizing group fitness classes to sweat, connect with like-minded individuals, and enjoy the support of a community that inspires you to push your limits and achieve your fitness aspirations, so you can stay motivated, accountable, and consistently progress towards your goals.


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I'm in my best shape of my life -- and that's a true testament, considering I'm rolling in my fifties and have had two hip replacements.


I've lost 35 lbs, and I'm lifting heavier weights than ever! I'm finally committing to a healthy lifestyle - getting up early, working hard, coming regularly.

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